Spill Contingency Planning

Spill contingency plans are required by British Columbia’s Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy to transport class 3, flammable liquids by road in the province of British Columbia. Whether or not your company has facilities in British Columbia, if you transport through the province, you require a spill contingency plan.

ERAC has full-time staff dedicated to developing emergency response plans. ERAC keeps up to date with new or revised regulations through established relationships with the various levels of government.

With its network of response teams, transloading equipment caches and fire suppression trailers, ERAC responds to emergencies across Canada on behalf of its Plan Participant members. Spill and incident response is included in our annual cost for Plan Participant members. We have trained, assessed and approved response teams and equipment from coast to coast, covering your emergency response needs across Canada.

ERAC assists with the development, facilitation and evaluation of mandatory annual drills and exercises. We also run annual full-scale exercises with industry, response teams and government officials.


For more information about how ERAC can help with your spill contingency planning, please fill out the contact form below.

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